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Are you feeling down because of the bad weather or not feeling well? Don't worry; you can relax at home while we deliver your medications to you. At Save More Drugs, we provide free delivery services to our community and the surrounding areas. You can stay on track with your medication regimen without ever leaving your house.
If you're already out and about, we also have a convenient drive-thru available during our pharmacy hours.

Get all your medications in just one pick-up with our Med Sync service. No more bothering about multiple trips to the pharmacy to collect your prescriptions throughout the month. This process synchronizes all your medications to one monthly pick-up or delivery for your convenience. Contact our staff today to sign up and schedule your monthly pick-up date!

Looking for a simpler way to manage your medications? Our multi-dose packaging service provides individually labeled packs that clearly identify what medication to take and when to take it. These packs are detachable, so you can conveniently take your medication with you on the go for a meal, a day, or more. The program also includes a comprehensive medication review and worry-free refills.
Whether you want to maintain independence or need options that fit your lifestyle, our packaging program is the right choice for you. Call us today to get started!

Managing a medication regimen can be challenging, especially if it includes multiple maintenance medications or a short-term regimen. Our goal is to not only help you stay on schedule but also to help you understand your schedule. We work with you to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of when, how, and why you should take your medicine.
Our consultations include simplifying your medication regimen to reduce side effects, checking for drug interactions, and finding less expensive medication alternatives, if possible.

Have you ever had to wrestle your children to get them to take their medicine? Maybe you’ve begged a tight-lipped toddler to please please just take the medicine, only to have them spit it out? You are so not alone.
Sometimes a medicine’s taste is the only thing standing between a child and getting healthy. We empower kids to choose the taste of their medication FLAVORx medication flavoring, which makes it easier for little ones to actually follow their regimen.

We offer a wide range of immunizations, including flu, pneumonia, shingles and Tdap. You can easily schedule an appointment online to get your flu shot.
If you suspect that you have flu, pneumonia, or strep, the last thing you want is to wait in a crowded waiting room and then have to travel across town to pick up your medication. We offer point-of-care testing, so you can get tested and receive any necessary medication in the same visit.

Looking for a natural option to help relieve pain, balance hormones, improve mood, and more? Essential oils are a great remedy to try. Our dōTERRA oils can be blended to help boost your immune system, relieve stress and headaches, stabilize mood, and more. They smell great, too!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Do you suffer from depression, anxiety, pain, or insomnia? Could your immune system use a boost? Full-spectrum, hemp-derived cannabinoids (CBD) can help regulate anxiety, appetite, immunity, mood, pain, and sleep, to name a few.
Save More Drugs currently carries Ananda Professional CBD in many forms — from oil to salve to capsule — so you can find the right fit for your needs and lifestyle.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
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